Artistes Artistes 2018



> Route 2018

BEN spreads the ideas and the Fluxus spirit (contemporary art movement which wants to eliminate the idea of an art which can be seen and which instead puts forward the idea of an art which is experienced, which is lives).
Novelty: BEN’s theory of novelty is a theory that he has nourished and discussed since the beginning of his career, demonstrating that in art it is not the beautiful or the ugly that counts but to bring something new.
The ego: One of his favorite themes of reflection, because as he says, he has it right in front of him and even within him. His theory of the ego joins his general theory of art which is that all life is survival and that the ego is a form of survival. Cultivating his ego, with humor, allows him to survive.
Ethnic groups: According to BEN, the world should be multicultural. A multicultural vision of the world in which each people has their own contemporaneity and creativity.
Doubt: Doubt is another fundamental aspect at BEN. He is not afraid to say things and to doubt everything, he does not mince his words. He often translates his sentences into several languages, to reach a larger number of people. His somewhat naive writing allows him to overturn our certainties with great simplicity. He often begins his sentences with “In truth”.

En 2018, « C’est écrit dans la Bible » à l’église de la Visitation des Pontets.