Artistes 2024

Silvana MC NULTY

Silvana MC NULTY

> Route 2024

An artist based in Paris, Silvana Mc Nulty began her studies in 2013 in the field of jewelry at AFEDAP in Paris and the Holts Academy of Jewelery in London. She continued her education in Amsterdam at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie from which she graduated in art and design.
She continued her apprenticeship at the Haute École des Arts du Rhin in Strasbourg (HEAR) in 2019.
His artistic work lies at the crossroads of sculpture, installation and jewelry. Her practice of weaving allows her to assemble organic and artificial materials: pearls, seeds, metals, plastics… She thus creates hybrid objects that arouse confusion in the viewer. This personal assembly technique comes from an approach guided by the desire to design his works on the scale of the hand. His work revolves around matter, matter in movement which adapts to the space with which it comes into contact.