
Pontarlier - Chapelle Notre-Dame de l'Espérance

Pontarlier - Chapelle Notre-Dame de l'Espérance
Chapelle de l'Espérance - Commons

In 2018 > David BoenoLa signature du soleil

Notre-Dame de l’Espérance Chapel has stood there since 1861, by the will of Father Lallemand, parish priest of Pontarlier. He wanted to thank the Virgin for having granted a prayer: in 1854, he had promised her a statue if the city was spared from the scourge of cholera (donations from the faithful made it possible to surpass the original project). From Mount Molar, where she is located, above the chapel, the Mother of God would continue to extend her protection over the city… The building, in neo-Gothic style (Louis Girod, architect) is in fact summoned of a statue of the Virgin (due to the Pontissalian sculptor Favier).
The construction of a bell tower and the purchase of a bell were part of the project. Said bell was purchased and baptized in 1948. It was Mr. Constant VANNOD of Labergement who was responsible for carrying out the work.

GPS : 46,896475 / 6,357003