

Welcome and presence of mediator guides
On each site, a guide will answer your questions about the building, the artist and his installation.
At each stage, the catalog of the 2024 Biennale will be offered to you: biographies of the artists, concepts of their works and history of each religious building, a valuable collection to deepen your visits.
Médiatrice à Boujeons en 2018

Route 1 :
monday, wednesday, friday 14h > 19h / sunday 10h > 19h
  Boujailles, Courvières, Malpas, Oye-et-Pallet
Route 2 :
tuesday, thursday, saturday 14h > 19h / sunday 10h > 19h
  Brey-et-Maison-du-Bois, Châtelblanc, Gellin, Les Pontets, Mouthe, Remoray-Boujeons

Some churches may be closed without the presence of mediators