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Brey-et-Maison-du-Bois - Chapelle Sainte-Barbe

Brey-et-Maison-du-Bois - Chapelle Sainte-Barbe
Chapelle Sainte-Barbe

In 2018 > Le FRAC avec Rodolphe Huguet9 erreurs

In 2016 > Séverine HubardBis bizz, la chapelle aux insectes

The chapel at Maison du Bois is named after Saint Barbara, patroness of dangerous professions or work causing violent death such as : artillerymen, sappers, miners and firefighters. She is traditionally represented with the tower in which, according to legend, her father had her locked up. Built in the 17th century, this chapel was for a long time a place of prayer and pilgrimage, before falling into disuse after the First World War.
In 1941, parish priest Father Humbert restored the chapel to its former glory as a sign of gratitude for the return of prisoners held in Germany. He also bought a small bell for the village church which was installed in the bell tower built in 1948.
This chapel, restored in 2013 by the municipality of Brey and Maison du Bois, consists of a single nave. In the choir space stands a small wooden high altar with a rotating tabernacle and a statue of Saint Barbara. The structure is covered by a two-sided roof and crowned with a small bell tower.
A monumental stone cross, erected in the 15th century, is attached to the chapel. It is decorated with two sculptures, one of which is an identical reconstruction of the original (disappeared in 1980) created during the rehabilitation of the chapel in 2013.

GPS : 46,739577 / 6,230343