Sites Sites 2022

Les Hôpitaux-Neufs - Église Sainte-Catherine

Les Hôpitaux-Neufs - Église Sainte-Catherine

Eglise des Hôpitaux-Neufs - Commons
Eglise des Hôpitaux-Neufs - Commons

In 2022 > Vidya Gastal­don

The found­a­tion of the Sainte-Cath­er­ine church dates back to 1368. The church was re­built from 1694 to 1696. It is loc­ated in­side the en­clos­ure which sur­rounds the cemetery at the cross­roads of the two roads which cross the vil­lage. Pre­ceded by a bell tower (sur­moun­ted by an oc­ta­gonal spire), the single blind nave is flanked on each side by three chapels lit by a stained-glass win­dow; the sac­risty is at­tached to the poly­gonal apse. However, this church is less known for its ar­chi­tec­ture than for its in­terior decor, which re­mains one of the most in­ter­est­ing ex­amples of Baroque art in Haut-Doubs.
Each of the six side chapels has a small al­tar-al­tarpiece with a painted can­vas or a sculp­ted bas-re­lief. But the center­piece of this dec­or­a­tion re­mains the main altar: sur­moun­ted by a golden­ci­borium with a can­opy sup­por­ted by twis­ted columns and sur­moun­ted by mu­sical an­gels, it is flanked by niches with statues and dec­or­ated with a sculp­ted al­tarpiece ded­ic­ated to Saint Cath­er­ine of Siena.
To see in the Chapel of the Vir­gin a statue of the seated Vir­gin (gil­ded wood from the 17th cen­tury, ori­gin­ally poly­chrome) called The Vir­gin of Lausanne. The ori­ginal model (a statue covered in gil­ded sil­ver) was ven­er­ated at Lausanne Cathed­ral, a place of Marian pil­grim­age, until its dis­ap­pear­ance dur­ing the Bernese con­quest in 1536. Also note, in one of the chapels lat­eral, the tomb­stone of Jean-Bap­tiste de Strambino, bishop and count of Lausanne, who died dur­ing a pas­toral visit on June 29, 1684.

GPS : 46,739577 / 6,230343

500 m