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Brey-et-Maison-du-Bois - Église Saint-Sébastien

Brey-et-Maison-du-Bois - Église Saint-Sébastien

In 2024 > Silvana MC NULTY

In 2022 > Laurent Guenat

The first religious building built in Brey village seems to have been a chapel built in 1497 to avoid residents having to go as far as Rochejean to attend services. Another chapel would have been built in the 17th century at Maison-du-Bois. Built in the first half of the 19th century (1837), the current parish church under the name of Saint-Sébastien replaces these successive buildings. It consists of a bell tower opening onto a single nave separated from the choir by a three-step stairs. The barrel vault of the nave rests on columns with cylindrical shafts. A small classically inspired building is attached to the bell tower-porch crowned by an imperial roof.
Apart from a statue of the Virgin and Child dating from the second half of the 17th century, which could come from the original building, all of the furniture dates from the 19th century: the preaching pulpit, of which only the tank remains. The statues of Christ on the cross, of Saint Francis Xavier and the Virgin. The paintings of the Death of Saint Francis Xavier ; of Saint Isidore ; of the Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist and Saint Agnes ; all donated by the emperor Napoléon Bonaparte the Third in 1860, and that of the Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian, copy of a 17th century painting.

GPS : 46,739577 / 6,230343