Sites 2024

Boujailles - Chapelle Notre-Dame des Champs

Boujailles - Chapelle Notre-Dame des Champs

Chapelle N.D. des Champs de Boujailles - Pmau/CommonsChapelle N.D. des Champs de Boujailles - Pmau/Commons


In 2024 > Thierry GEHIN

Located at the edge of the forest, this small chapel is inside an enclosure delimited by a low stone wall. A gabled roof covers the bays’nave and chancel decorated with ribbed vaults. The external structure is reinforced by six foothills, two in the corners and two in the middle of the side walls.
Inside, an altar, a wooden alterpiece, and a large statue of the Virgin Marie make up the space. Several paintings (from the 19th century) adorn the walls : two paintings representing Saint Roch, which could point out a link between the chapel and the anti-plague cult ; a painting of Saint Louis in prayer in front of the crown of thorns, which can be interpreted as an invocation against diseases, and a painting depicting Saint Maurice on horseback.
Outside the apse is a carved stone indicating the year 1707. But, according to some hypotheses, this stone may just be a re-use from another ancient building, the current chapel dating back from 1860.

GPS : 46,739577 / 6,230343